Well, here we are in the middle of the MLK holiday weekend, and I am feeling blue. Maybe it's global warming, maybe it's the war in Iraq, maybe it's that boob in the White House? I don't know, it could be so many things.
I did spend a nice day at the Detroit Institute of Arts yesterday. Today I was supposed to meet some friends for brunch, but a minor ice storm is keeping me at home. Yesterday I also lost my cell phone in a crowded Greektown restaurant. What a mess that was, the Auto Show was in town on top of having a Red Wings game in progress, it was a zoo.
As a matter of fact I was supposed to head back down to Greektown today to pick up my lost phone, but, see above. More ice and sleet are predicted for tomorrow. I hope I can make it down there soon. Maybe my other half will drive me, he doesn't seem to mind ice and snow.
I think I just may have a touch of the winter blues. Feeling trapped by weather does not help. This is the first real winter weather we have had in a while, thanks to global warming and maybe El Nino. The Dems want to start doing something about it, but the Bush team still has its doubts about the whole greenhouse gases may add to global warming thing. I think they did finally admit that global warming existed. Just a decade or two too late.
Mr. Bush made his big announcement on the war this week. He has so few options now, and of course he chose the deadliest one. And the one that is least likely to succeed. I know that he is starting to worry about his legacy now, hoping against hope that history will see him as some kind of hero who fought against the prevailing tides of his time. On the other hand, he could be thought of as one of the most incompetent Presidents since the 19th century.
Bush's eulogy of Gerald Ford seemed to speak more of himself than of Ford. Someone who made the tough decisions in order to heal a nation. When I think of all the money, resources and lives that we have wasted in Iraq, and of all the good they could be doing here, I just want to spit. And now he has decided that the National Guard will have open-ended active duty. Those poor people signed up to be weekend warriors, and now they may be in never-ending combat missions. It is all so unfair, not to mention ironic considering Mr. Bush's own NG duty (or lack thereof).
Well folks, I am going to try and head out on the road before the next ice storm hits the area. Wish me luck.