So the holidays are almost here. Cable is filled with Christmas classic (and not so classic) movies. CNN talks of nothing but the next election (this one started way too early), and I have only a few days left before my Christmas break.
Big snow storm predicted for southeast Michigan this weekend. They predicted a big snow and ice storm for last weekend. That never happened here. Ended up further south in the plain states. I hope this weekend's storm stays away until next weekend. Then I won't have to worry about driving to work.
I tried watching the debates in Iowa this week. I am just so weary of this campaign. By the time the conventions are here I am sure I will be comatose. It is good to see that America still sees the Republicans for what they are. Mostly hypocrites who have turned to their base and forgotten everyone else. An entire generation has grown up thinking that the word Christian means: fundamentalist, evangelical, right wing kook. Could be why many kids today aren't that interested in religion.
I am hoping that the Democrats will bring some real Christians into their campaigns. Those who care about those less fortunate and want to help the helpless. Much like Jesus did. These Christians aren't obsessed with gays and politics. Imagine that.
It is at this festive time of year that we are most concerned about those in need. It has been this way for hundreds of years. Now is the time of year when we should most live our faith. If we see ourselves as an extension of God, than we should help all that we can. I don't know of anything that can bring greater joy than helping others.
I wish you and yours all the best, no matter what holiday you may be celebrating this time of year.