So those dirty commies are at it again. But I thought Ronald Reagan saved us from all that? Didn't he tell someone they needed to tear down that wall. He was sooo forceful.
I can't believe even Bush did not see this coming. Putin is so clearly KGB 2.0 that he could play a commie in a comic book. As for the "President" of Russia, well he could play a nice business executive type, in a Nancy Drew mystery. Of course when Bush heard they invaded Georgia, he probably asked if Atlanta was burning.
Barack didn't handle this too well either. He needs to get a little more forceful when it comes to something this clear cut. He is just handing the whole Georgian thing over to McBush. It's nice to look all friendly and presidential with our allies, but you gotta kick some bad-guy butt sometimes too (at least verbally).
I hope Georgia makes it back in one piece. We need their pipelines and their fossil fuels (and their ports). I'm surprised Bush hasn't at least sent some ships into the Black Sea. I'm sure they would fit through the straits and the Sea of Marmara (some of them). We need to let the Russians know that they are being watched. Their arrogance cannot go unchecked. Now is a good time to actually use some cowboy diplomacy, not when you are attacking a small nation run by a two-bit dictator.
Enough ranting, I'm sure most Americans are as fed-up as I am. We all thought we were past the cold war, and now, here it is again. What other messes can Mr. Bush bring our way in his last few months in office. When I think of what the world was like eight years ago, and what a mess it is now, I could just spit (if it wasn't so messy). Lord have mercy on the Georgians and deliver us from this fool soon.