Thursday, February 23, 2006

Not Politics as Usual

Well, it looks like some of the Republican leaders in Congress are waking up to the fact that maybe, just maybe, Mr. Bush is missing a few marbles when it comes to our homeland security.

It is one thing to have our ports run by an Arab-owned company, it is quite another to have them run by a company owned by an Arab (or any other foreign) government. Ally or not, I don't think we would want a company owned by the British government running our ports either. The fact that the Bush team sees no problem speaks volumes. This from the same team that brought us hurricane disaster relief.

I still can't get past the fact that the press barely mentioned it when Bush consulted with the Saudi government before the invasion of Iraq. Even before he consulted with his own Secretary of State. Talk about family ties. It was mentioned by a few media outlets, but it should have been a major story.

Then there is the Dick Cheney story. At least the press got that one right. I know the Daily Show had a field day with this one, as did many other late-night comedy shows. It was just too good to pass up.

When the guy Cheney shot apologized to the VP, I about had a cow. What kind of world are they living in anyway? It has gotten to the point where I don't even try to understand it anymore. I just know that if a Democrat gets in the White House in 2008, there had better be a lot of indictments for members of this power hungry administration. It is like they know no bounds. We will do whatever we want, it really doesn't matter what any law says. We're at war, doncha know.

On a personal note, I am still lovin' my new PC. I still can't seem to part with my old one though. I know I need to sell it, because I already have two. I know I need the money, but it has so many memories (and files) I can't seem to let go of. Sniffle.

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