How does one put into words all that you believe? How do you even know all that you truly believe? I guess I really don't know, but I know this...
Love is the one thing that really matters in life. It really can conquer all, it really can make life worth living. I'm not just talking about being in love (which is great), I also mean love for other human beings and for all of God's creatures. Love is followed my the milk of human kindness and compassion on my list. These make up the triumvirate of what I believe.
Have you ever been in the depths of despair, where nothing you enjoy brings you any pleasure? Where fear is all around you, coloring your every emotion and interaction?I have experienced this most profoundly while waiting for word on a very sick loved one who was in the hospital. We had no way of knowing if he would live or die. During times like that, even the smallest kindness takes on profound importance. This is when life is cut down to its barest essentials, where all the bull-pucky that makes up our everyday lives just falls away. That's when you see what the most important things in life really are.
This is when you realize that every act of kindness on your part can have a profound effect on those around you. So next time you see someone who needs something, something you can easily provide, don't even hesitate. Plus you will have the added benefit of feeling better about yourself after you do it. It looks like a win-win situation to me. Beats the hell out of turning a blind eye to someone in need.
Too preachy? I know. But I still love you all anyway.
So love me back, it's not so hard to do.
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