Do you think that it is only a coincidence that gas prices have dropped almost a dollar a gallon in the past few weeks? As soon as the primary election season ended, it all seemed to start happening.
It kind of makes you wonder just how much influence the energy companies have over the market. Natural gas prices are also down. We saw how the Enron folks manipulated things to get energy costs up out west, who's to say the big oil companies are not doing this for their old pals, Bush and Cheney.
Guess what else? Bush's approval rating started going up right after gas prices dropped. Hmmm??? Could energy prices be affecting how we feel about our well-being, and that when prices are back to normal we may feel better about the future? Which in turn makes us less angry at the boob-in-chief?
Maybe I am just being paranoid, but none of the market forces have changed that much in the last month. We still have unrest in the middle-east, corruption in Nigeria and a government in Venezuela that hates us. Still have half a downed pipeline in Alaska and limited refining capacity (none of the new refineries being built will be ready for a while).
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the Saudi royal family and the Bushes are old pals too. There is just way too much coincidence here.
I hope the American people aren't going to be duped into putting the Republicans back in office. This country definitely needs a change in governance, and only one party can lead us out of this mess. The same one that got us through two world wars and the great depression, and brought us the booming 90's. Go Dems!
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