Well, it looks as though America has finally woken up. Even I was surprised, on Thursday, when the Dems actually took control of the Senate too. Here in Michigan the Dems took control of the House and barely lost the Senate. No one saw that coming either.
What does it all mean? That's what I would like to know. It seems like in the Senate races all the Dems had to lean right to get elected. What will that mean in a senate whose margins are so tight? Any kind of help for gays is surely not on the table, or for abortion rights. We will probably see a minimum wage bill passed, though.
How about that vote in Arizona??? I guess we are getting to the stage in our development as a country that not every state will vote against gay marriage, in huge margins. Outside the south it seems that the margin of victory for the right-wing is getting smaller. The south will always be a unique country unto itself. If the mountain states turn blue, then maybe the Dems have a chance for a permanent majority in Congress.
In the city of Ferndale, Michigan, voters passed a law giving gays equal rights in housing, employment, etc. And by a very wide margin. This after the city had voted down the same law twice before, also by wide margins, in 1997 and 2000. Maybe people really can change.
All the pundits are saying that the gay marriage issue is starting to soften with the electorate, so that maybe in 10 years or so we can vote out all these constitutional amendments that were voted in in so many states. A recent national poll showed that nearly 70% of Americans knew someone who was openly gay. I am sure that that has made us less of a frightening specter to the great unwashed. Unless, of course, the gay they know is Carson from Queer Eye.
Now my prayers are going out to Rev. Haggard in Colorado. He must become an ex-gay with the whole world, and his flock, watching. It still saddens me to think that in this day and age a man must live a lie to be accepted and esteemed in the evangelical world.
I have been smiling for several days now, just thinking how the impossible actually happened. The Dems won control of Congress. Oo-wee...
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