Monday, April 30, 2007

The First of May

There is something about the first of May that has always spoken of promise to me. Even though Spring started back in late March, usually by May first you can see all the buds on the trees, all the early blooming flowers and bushes shining in brilliant color.

I often think back to the old Bee Gees song, The First of May too. It has a sweet sadness to it that reminds me of the promise of Spring. It speaks of the change of seasons, remembering a love that is gone, but will never die.

It's on the first of May that I most remember all the friends I have had in my lifetime. Not all are gone from this earth, just gone from my life. Friends from college and even high school who meant so much to me, but somehow we lost touch. I think this happens to a lot of people, it is just a natural part of the life cycle.

I do have a few friends that I have kept since college. They may now live in other states, but we still keep in touch. Still visit whenever we can. There is something about the shared history that we have with each of these friends that can really brighten a day. I think that is one of the many reasons why the AIDS crisis hit gays so hard. All those memories, shared experiences, they seem to disappear when you have no one to recall them with. That is why I try and hold on to my old friends, no matter what obstacles I may encounter.

Technology certainly helps with this. I can IM friends in Europe or Colorado and chat like we are in the same room. Share a laugh at an old friend's expense (usually mine), or just catch up on the news of the day.

It really seems to re-charge my batteries, and brings a little joy into a usually dull and tedious day.

So kids, here's your advice from Uncle Scotty. Hang on to your friends that are worth keeping for as long as you can. And don't be afraid to make new ones, no matter how old you get. I know making new friends seems to get harder the older you get. But, there are a lot of great people out there that you have yet to meet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uncle Scotty is a smart man. Real friends are a treasure. To be spent wisely. Over a long period of time.