I know it is called the entertainment industry for a reason, but I think people might want to see themselves reflected on screen occasionally. Even if it is only so they don't feel so alone, or so out of place. Not that my life story would make an interesting film, but I know that most people out there struggle to live, on many levels.
Half the people I know are on anti-depressants, and many people I know, especially here in Michigan, are struggling financially. I have lived here all my life, and I have never seen the middle class so challenged by the economy. Don't even get me started on the housing market. That has been a sure thing since the '50's, and now even that is tanking. And not just in Michigan. That was the one asset everyone had that would make money over the long term. When you retired, you could sell your house, buy a smaller place, and still live well. Those days are fast disappearing.
The Bushies will tell you that the economy is doing well, and it is, if you are a large corporation or already rich. If you are like most people, struggling to stay in the middle class, many of your jobs are being shipped overseas. Which, again, makes more money for the corporations, but leaves those of us still here struggling to find a decent wage job.
I hope that America wakes up in 2008 like they did in 2006 and sees that only the Democrats have the middle class at their core. Not to mention the poor and working class people too. This divided government thing does not seem to be working in Congress or in our state government. No one is willing to find a middle ground anymore. So, I say, let's give the Dem's total control for a while and see what they can do. It worked well in the last decade, they even worked well with a Republican controlled Congress.
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