It seems that, once again, America has become the land of possibilities. Anyone can succeed, no matter how great the odds. So long as they try.
Along with the tidal wave of change that came in on November 4, 2008, a setback was dealt to gay people all over the country. What a mixed message gays and lesbians recieved. We Shall Overcome, but not you people.
The most ironic thing in all this was Prop 8 in California. It turns out that Blacks and Hispanics, who turned out big time for Obama, voted overwhelmingly for Prop 8. Among Blacks it was 69%for the proposition that all men aren't created equal, and you people just aren't as equal as the rest of us. The oppressed, who you think would understand the power of predjudice, became the oppressor. Let's hope this is the not the Brave New World we will be living in.
Once I get past the four states that voted to keep gays as second or third class citizens, I start thinking of all the changes that will be taking place in Washington. The Contitution will be coming back into favor, the Supreme Court may be set right (by that I mean more moderates), and we may even get some of our civil liberties back. I still have to pinch myself to make sure it is all real.
Congratulations America, we have made it into a new era. There is still hope that we will be the dominant power on earth in the 21st century, just as we were in the 20th.
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