Monday, May 09, 2005

Stars Hollow

Do we ever really find a home as great as the ones that Hollywood can create for us? A place where we are loved, accepted, teased and generally understood by the community? A place where we belong?

That sense of community is something I think we are all looking for, whether we know it or not.

Even the most ardent loner must wish in their heart of hearts that they too were part of something larger than themselves. Something in and of themselves, but greater in its meaning and purpose.

Whether it is our place of work, our neighborhood, or even our town. These can all be communities where we feel we belong.

Losing that sense of belonging is one of the things that I think has gone wrong in our society. When we have no stake in the world around us, we find it easier to lash out, commit violent acts or heinous crimes.

Perhaps instead of spending all of our time trying to keep others out (gays, Arabs, anyone we don't feel we can understand) we might be better served by trying to bring more people into the fold. Give more folks that sense of belonging and acceptance. Thereby building a safe and happy place to live...

Just like Stars Hollow.

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