I visited the cemetery this weekend. Buried in the family plot among my grandparents (from both sides of the family) is a great uncle who died in France in 1918. He was barely twenty. I think of all that my grandparents were able to do with their lives and how that promise was cut short for my great uncle Frank.
Then I think about all the war dead, gay and straight. I think about all those who are dying in Iraq, needlessly. In a war whose justification did not exist. I think of all the other countries that could use our help as well, and I am torn. I want to see freedom in the Middle East, but I don't know if our role is to be the world's policeman. But I digress...
We must all appreciate those who have suffered and died for our country. In wars that were popular and not. They knew that we were all depending on them. They gave - that last full measure of devotion, as Lincoln so famously put it.
Without sounding too preachy, let's do all we can to see that the vets who are still around are honored and taken care of. I know Republican patriotism doesn't usually extend to the taking care part, but we must let the folks in Congress know that these vets should not be shortchanged. Before we give another millionaire a tax break, let's think about how much more important it is that we spend that money on our vets. To let them know that we are here for them too.
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