Well, we almost made it to the Promised Land this week. The California Assembly came within four votes of legalizing gay marriage in the nation's largest state.
I don't know which is worse, if they had voted it in, and then there was a national backlash, or they didn't vote it in and we still don't have gay marriage in any state (that was not court ordered).
How people cannot see that this is just a question of basic civil rights is beyond me. The one argument the right wing always goes to first is that this could lead to group marriage, marrying your dog, etc. They can never just stick with the issue itself. Two adults of the same gender entering into a holy/civil union. That's probably because their argument is far weaker if they just stick to the issue. Two people, together forever (more or less).
They complain about the promiscuity of gay men, and then deny us the one thing that would help us all to settle down into well ordered lives. Not that that is for everyone, I understand that. There are plenty of folks, gay and straight, who think monogamy is unnatural and not in the least bit desirable. But for the rest of us, it gives us the one thing we long for, stability.
Study after study has shown that married folks live longer (not necessarily happier) lives. Having all the hundreds of rights that come along with marriage, not to mention the social supports for our relationships, would go a long way toward putting us all on an equal footing. The love that dare not speak its name would be the same as any other love.
I don't know how long it will be before America comes to it senses and stops thinking that heterosexual love is better than any other. We are all equal here, that is the point of this great experiment we call America.
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