Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Darth Tater

Like many progressive thinkers I have loathed the type of politics practiced by Karl Rove for many years. The politics of innuendo and dirty tricks, even against fellow Republicans. The politics of smear and hide. The politics that the party of Watergate and Iran Contra has used for a some time now.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like Rove personally either. In every interview I have seen him in he reminds me of the snarky kid in every school who thinks they know everything but deep inside is an insecure mess. Just look at the man and you can see it written all over him.

So why did Rove decide to let Time magazine's reporter release his name? To me that is the big question. Rove must have known it would have leaked out anyway, so maybe he is just trying to protect himself.

Now Rove and the Repubs are down to saying he didn't release her name to the press, just said it was Joe Wilson's wife. No one could figure that one out. Just like if you said it George W's wife, who would know who it was. Do they really think the American people are that stupid?

The spin of the day (also known as Republican talking points) spouted from Fox and every right-wing talking head on TV is that Valerie Plame wasn't really a CIA covert operative. Even though the CIA has said she was since the story broke in 2003. A felony is a felony Mr. Rove, even if the President is your best bud.

Let us all wait and see how the all powerful White House spin machine handles this one. They have the press hopping mad because they see the hypocrisy in all this. I hope the press stays mad enough to get to the truth and get Rove out of the White House and into the jail house as soon as possible.

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