Monday, July 18, 2005

The Spin We're In

Well, the Rove saga continues. He has not exactly gotten out from behind the eight ball, but he has muddied the water so much that no one can tell exactly who said what to whom and when they said it.

I sometimes feel that the Republican spin machine is the Borg. All powerful with no known weaknesses. Between talk radio and Fox News they spin like a top all day long. Then they head to the mainstream media and do it again. When will someone find their Achilles heel? The Press came close to standing up to them last week, but now they just look dazed and confused.

Then there is Ken Mehlman. Jewish and probably gay to boot. How does he end up as the mouthpiece for the Republican party? He must be plagued with internal conflicts, all the while feeling like a lapdog (rather like the mayor of Portland). Self-respect does not appear to be the strongest feature of closeted conservatives.

For some reason I never felt too conflicted about being gay. I figured if someone didn't like me because I'm gay then they probably weren't worth knowing in the first place. I guess it all depends on how you define yourself (or if you let others define you instead). I have always refused to be assimilated, although I hear...

Resistance is futile.

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