Just when I think this power of positive thinking thing is workin' for me, I find out that a good friend of mine is on a vent in Intensive Care, dying from cancer. We all thought she was doing better, but that is not how it turned out. She just turned 50 in March, so we are all just devastated.
Suddenly I hear my more religious friends wonder if God really does answer prayers. Being a spiritual but not necessarily a religious person, I don't have any answer. I thought religion was supposed to comfort people at a time like this. She's going to a better place, she won't have to live with this earthly toil, etc. There's the comfort of religion. A place to rest, where it is not all about the journey anymore.
Faith can be shaken, I know, I have seen that many times before. If it can't, then you are probably not very bright and can't think through things very easily. God gave us the power of reason, and that often conflicts with any faith we may hold.
I often find comfort in the circle of life. I remember seeing my pregnant sister-in-law standing at my grandmother's death bed. I saw it again as my pregnant niece-in-law stood at her mother-in-law's death bed. It is all about renewal and the power of life to carry on. Even if it is not necessarily your life. That's when it gets really hard to see the circle, as only the end is visible.
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