Monday, September 05, 2005


Even I never thought Bush and his cronies could screw up this much. After all they are a well-oiled machine.

Let's start with Katrina. How do you wait for five days to fully respond to a disaster, in a place where said disaster has been predicted for years? How do you cut funds for completing a levee system for a city that is basically a bowl or dry land surrounded by water? Then spend that diverted money on Iraq? I could go on and on (and frequently have).

Main Entry: New Or·leans
Pronunciation: 'or-lE-&nz, 'or-l&nz, 'orl-y&nz, (")or-'lEnz
Usage: geographical name
city & port SE Louisiana between Lake Pontchartrain & Mississippi River population 496,938

People (not just Kanye West) say that the Bushies did this because they are racist . I don't really buy that. I think that they looked at the New Orleans area and saw a Democratic stronghold, and really weren't too concerned after that. These aren't potential voters, so let's not be too worried about them.

Let's move on to John Roberts. How do you nominate a 50 year old man with two years on the bench to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? Think of all the great jurists out there in this country of ours, how do we end up with this man who has so little experience. I'm not saying I wanted Scalia as Chief Justice, but how about asking Sandra Day O'Connor back, or something!!! Roberts may be bright, but he is not the best man for this job.

And what about putting more women on the court??? We have one woman now (on a 9 person court), when women make up over half of this country's population. Sometimes I think Georgy Porgy just goes with his gut instincts, thinking they are infallible. Well, guess what, they are not.

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