The Republican Machine is at it again. This time it is a poor mother who has lost her son in Iraq. They set out their talking points trying to tear her down, stopping at nothing in their quest to destroy the truth.
What is her crime exactly, oh yeah, she wants a few words with the President. He hasn't met with anyone he disagrees with for years. All his audiences are pre-screened and ask him pre-screened questions. Sounds more like the leader of North Korea than of the US doesn't it? "Yes fearless leader, I want to tell you how much I appreciate all you have done for us." Jeff Gannon wasn't the first plant and he won't be the last.
Getting back to Cindy Sheehan. I know not all parents react to the death of a child in the same way. It seems there have always been grieving mothers of soldiers at war. But no one can discount the way they handle their grief. They have to do what works for them. Any way to ease the pain and suffering they have endured/are enduring. Just trying to imagine that kind of pain is too much for me.
So, let's send Cindy our love and support. So the Borg and their constant barrage will not be the dominant voice heard by America. Whether we think our kids should come home now or not, we all know that this war has only made the war on terror an even bigger nightmare. Iraq is now the center for terrorists from all over the mid-east. What a giant mistake.
Not to mention what is has done to the price of gasoline...
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