I recently discovered the world of Podcasting. For those of you who don't know what it is, just download iTunes from apple.com and click on podcasts in the Music Store.
Anyway, I have a first generation iPod, 20 gig, and have been listening to music on it for years. Now that I have discovered podcasting, I need more room. So, this week I ordered the latest (4th generation) iPod, 30 gig, from Amazon and am expecting delivery any day now.
Out there in the podisphere there are many interesting and many truly awful podcasts. The only way to find out what's what is to download some podcasts and give them a listen. I have downloaded many gay and non-gay casts. I also listen to some of the more mainstream and commercial ones too. What's really nice about podcasting is that you get to listen to your favorite shows (I love Al Franken and On the Media), when they are convenient for you. Great on a long bike ride or when walking on nature trails, or even driving in the car.
I listened to some gay shows that sounded like they were created by Hollywood's central casting. Bitchy queens, with high pitched voices or lisps, dishing dirt and calling each other girlfriend. All talking about sex and, of course, the penis. As if that is all there is to gay life. I suppose that is really how some folks are, but it really puts me off. I guess I need to hear from people more like myself, regular guys leading fairly ordinary lives. Where sex is just one part of their lives, not the be all and end all of it.
There are podcasts out there for every interest, so give it try. You might just discover a brave new world.
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