Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Already???

I promise not to do a year-in-review blog. You can't turn the channel on the TV without seeing one of those shows. Okay, we know what happened, we were there.

I would like to talk about the future, however. Not just my future, but the future of us all.

Where is my turban when I need it, I can't even find my crystal ball? I guess I won't be playing Madam Sasha in any local carnivals anytime soon. I keep hoping to see a brighter tomorrow, but looking to Washington that light just keeps getting dimmer.

Bush's poll numbers are starting to go back up, for what reason I don't know. Maybe people like being spied on, maybe we secretly think we are all bad and need to be looked after. Maybe people are just so frightened by the future that civil liberties and the rule of law really don't mean much anymore. I wish I knew (damned crystal ball).

I do know that the right-wing is still way better organized than the left. We don't have built-in meeting places where like-minded people can attend services on a weekly basis. Well, maybe a couple, but not nearly enough. We also don't have the mean-spirited soul that is needed in cut-throat politics (Mr. Frist and Mr. Delay, etc.). That's a good thing and a bad thing. After all, we really don't want to be like them, do we?

So, from this vantage point, the first day of 2006, things look iffy. All we can do is hope and pray that the Dems get their act together and the press takes notice. And that Mr. Bush continues to fall on his face and gets indicted for spying on us illegally. We also have to work toward taking back at least one of the houses of Congress this November. Wouldn't that be loverly...

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