First week back at work was not too much fun. Seemed like the longest four days on record. Following the story of the trapped miners in West Virginia really brought me down. Those poor families, such unbearable pain.
All the good news on the horizon seems to be coming from Washington. Jack Abramoff, the Republican poster boy for clean living, is singing like a canary. I can't wait until he starts squealing on his friends in the White House too. I hope it really breaks open in late Summer, just in time for the elections. Please let no Dems be involved, please let no Dems be involved...
Looking at today's headlines about IBM freezing their pension plan sent chills up and down my spine. How can all these companies be allowed to do this? When you work for a company your whole life, they shouldn't be allowed to tell you after the fact that your pension will stop. One of the reasons most people select certain companies to work for is because of the benefits offered. You spend 25 years working toward your retirement, thinking you have everything planned (at least the things you thought you could count on), and then POP, in your fifties you have to scramble for another plan for your financial future. Worse yet, you may have to work into your seventies in order to live. It is no coincidence that this is happening when the Republicans control all the branches of government. Those bastards...
But I'm not bitter. I just hope this cycle changes before the environment is destroyed and we are all working for Chinese wages. Such selfish, short-sighted thinking. Don't they care about their own children and grandchildren, or other peoples' children? Sometimes they just make me want to spit...
On a happier note, I'm hoping to get a video iPod soon. My iPod is only six months old, but it doesn't do video. Who can live like that. Now if only I can talk my other half into letting me get it. Maybe I'll say I found it on the street? Left by a homeless man with the same musical tastes as me. Yeah, that'll work.
No, the picture above is not the homeless man. That's me, can't you see that I'm just geezer-licious??? Sorely in need of a shave though. It's all part of being manly I guess. Just call me smilin' Scotty.
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