Yes, I know the terrorists changed a lot of our world, but it was our blunder in Iraq, our taking our eye off the ball and away from the terrorists, that has lead to some of this mess (see high oil prices, food prices). Then there is global warming, which the Bush White House has only recently acknowledged as being real, that has caused other problems. Then, what is left of our dear old Constitution, after this president promised to preserve, protect and defend it. When will we get America back?
Worst housing slump since World War II!?!? Something even my parents could never have imagined in their lifetime. We thought that America was past all this, that things could only get better. Then we put a moron in the White House, and he brought in some less than talented cronies, and here we are, almost eight years later. What a mess.
They only good news I have seen lately is the marriage thing in California, and now maybe even Mass. will allow out of state folks to marry. That sounds like a nice summer vacation, drive to Boston, get married, visit New England. Of course I could just go across the river to Windsor and get married, but I guess I prefer an American license over a Canadian one.
I hope I didn't rant too long. Some days I just wake up and cannot believe the mess we are in. I keep looking for Alice in this crazy, upside-down world.
I think this photo may illustrate how we are all feeling lately, like we've been kissed by a bus.

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