As a man who came of age in the 1970's and witnessed all the changes then, I still marvel at all we have accomplished so far in the century. I know we have a long way to go, but when I was just coming out, the idea of gay marriage was no where to be found, not even in my imagination.
That is one great benefit that the next generation will have. The ideas in their dreams will not start out stifled. They know that they can have the white picket fence, the 2.5 kids and the dog (if they want it) and someone to love them the rest of their lives. I hope that this helps them to grow up in a more positive light, not thinking themselves inferior beings not deserving of marriage (much like slaves and inter-racial couples were).
In 1940 there were 31 states in the US that had laws on the books making inter-racial marriage illegal. Today there are 31 states that have constitutional bans against gay marriage equality. It wasn't until 1967 that those inter-racial marriage laws were changed, and then only by the Supreme Court. 70% of those polled (in the US) at the time thought that inter-racial marriage was wrong. We seem to be changing minds a little faster then that, but we still have the rest of the world to work on.
Don't even get me started on Russia. First they want to ban gays even talking about homosexuality to anyone under 18. Now the Russian Army thinks they have a way of finding out if their soldiers or recruits are gay. The gays will be the ones with the tattoos on their penises. The Iron Curtain may have fallen, but I think it may have fallen on some of the Russian leaders' heads.
Let us pray for our gay brothers and sisters throughout the world as they struggle for even the most basic human rights. And let us also pray that our country will keep moving forward until a time when the promise of equality found in the Constitution will apply to all of us.
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