Wednesday, April 29, 2009

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Miss California to star in TV ad from conservative group « - Blogs from

Prejean, we just met a girl named Prejean.  And who do we have to thank for creating another right-wing saint… Perez Hilton.  The most embarrassing gay ambassador we have.

You know, if he had just taken the high road first, instead of last, it might not have been so bad.  But what the media has ended up with is basically, “bitchy queen attacks poor Christian college girl”.

Now I know we all have different opinions, and she is certainly entitled to hers.  You could tell she was nervous, talking about “in my country we believe in opposite marriage”.  And what country do the rest of us live in?  Shades of Sarah Palin and the Real America flap.  She was asked a pointed political question, as were most of the other contestants.  Trouble is, she knew there was no right answer that would please everyone.  I guess a Miss USA contestant can’t be just for world peace anymore.

My next question is, in what world are we living in where Perez Hilton is chosen as a judge for a Miss USA pageant?  The man is a gossip blogger, and usually a mean one at that.  I did hear one old guy being interviewed about the issue and he said, “what’s he doing judging a contest with a bunch of pretty girls anyway?”  I had to laugh at that too.  How desperate were they for judges???

I hope this one goes the way of Sarah Palin and the Republican majority in Congress.  Into the history books as quickly as possible.


CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Miss California to star in TV ad from conservative group « - Blogs from

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in Vermont | News |

I have to tell you, I really did not think this was going to happen.  But, it is the first time a state legislature has approved gay marriage, and by a super majority vote to boot.  It actually brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.

Of course, the right wing has already started in on Vermont.  Where formerly they complained endlessly about activist courts, now they are saying that gay marriage should not be approved by those courts or legislatures either.  It should only be approved by a vote of the people.  And the rules just keep on changing to fit their one track minds.

Like we need another vote of “the people” to know that we are unpopular.  That is why Madison designed our three branches of government, in order to protect unpopular causes or groups from the tyranny of the majority.  If you took a poll and asked most Americans where Iraq was on the map, most couldn’t even find it.  Ask them about the Constitution and they know even less.  Yea, I want these folks voting on my life.

Our job now is to keep the ball rolling, at least in New England.  We shall see what happens next.  Stay tuned…

Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in Vermont  | News |

Friday, April 03, 2009

Iowa high court strikes down same-sex marriage ban -

Now why can’t the California Supreme Court use the same logic and say that their ban violates the equal protection clause of their constitution as well?  And this was a unanimous vote in Iowa.  A proudly open-minded mid-western state.  God I hope this sticks.

Iowa high court strikes down same-sex marriage ban -

Vermont House OKs gay marriage | News Story on

I know they needed 100 votes to get a veto proof majority, and they only got 95.  But some members of the state house said they would vote in favor of same sex marriage if it came down to getting it past the governor’s veto.

And how did Vermont end up with a Republican governor when the dems have such a large majority in both state houses?  And if they had to have a Republican governor, you think being from Vermont he would at least be a moderate.

It should be very interesting to see how this turns out.

Vermont House OKs gay marriage | News Story on